Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Conventional treatment for acute bronchitis may consist of simple measures such as getting rest with the plenty, drink heavy amounts of water, fluids avoiding citrates and bear, and possibly getting a prescription for an inhaled bronchodilators. In oral steroids prevent and reduce from infection and/or supplemental oxygen may be necessary.

Natural remedies and home treatment for chronic bronchitis include foods that have properties that reportedly decrease bronchitis problems. These foods are listed below:

Bay leaf

Cabbage for Bronchitis

Drink real cabbage juice, on a regular basis, would be helpful in curing the problem of bronchitis.


Castor Oil for Bronchitis

Castor oil should be very useful to bronchitis, place them on the chest and keep overnight.

Sesame Seeds for Bronchitis

Sesame seeds also have properties that can prevent and treat.

Onions for Bronchitis

Onions have some properties to prevent its further formation. Take onion juice daily.


Eucalyptus for Bronchitis

Breath in hot, moist environment is irritating in the lining of the bronchial tubes, performing a eucalyptus steam inhalation may further promote healing from bronchitis.

Turmeric for Bronchitis

This anti-inflammatory spice, the benefits to which seems to have no end.Add two small spoons to full glass milk and have it two to three times daily.

Bay Leaf for Bronchitis

Bay leaf acts as an expectorant and is best taken in tea. To make the tea, tear a leaf and steep in 1 cup of boiling water.

Savory for Bronchitis

Use it as a tea by adding 1/2 teaspoon savory to 1 cup of hot water. Drink twice glass in a day.

Honey for Bronchitis

Honey is quite natural way to treat bronchitis problems. The antibiotic properties of honey will reduce problems your throat.

Honey should be very helping when you are suffering from bronchitis. To treat the congestion problem of throat that often happens with bronchitis use honey.


Lemons for Bronchitis

These lemons get rid of respiratory systems of bacteria and mucus.

Make a cup of lemon tea by using 1 teaspoon lemon juice by adding it to 1 cup of boiling water. Steep for 5 minutes or you can also boil the lemon wedge. Strain into a cup and drink it.

Orange Juice

Fruit Juice is a proven remedy of bronchitis. It not only provides you vitamins and nutrients from the juice but also helps you to soothe your throat.

Drink as much juice as you can to build your immune system as orange juice has plenty of vitamins C.

In healthy people with bronchitis who have normal lungs and antibiotics will not so helpful. Cough also occurs when you suffered from acute bronchitis. Acute bronchitis occurred due to the exposure in the pollutants and tobacco products smoke. So keep away from these harmful effects of smoking. Natural preventions for the for acute bronchitis consist of simple measures like as taking plenty of rest, drinking lots of liquid and fluid, stay away from the smoke and fumes.

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